I'm Going To Stop, When It's Time


“Understand the meaning not needed is a thing that may be difficult, but it should be. Hurt as much as anything, we still have to know how to present our portion in their world.”

I know, I don't deserve to be there in your breath. All I know, I was hurt when this feeling was never seen. Could I get my hopes up? I just want you to understand what I feel. I won’t to share it, I just want to forget. When I calmed down, I was able to forget for a moment. That's what I want. That's all. Nothing more.

When you see me, maybe there is a row of smile, but look in between my eyes, there are different things. Do you know? Isn't. I just think, you're not perfect for me, because I too was not perfect for you. Feedback that you might need, not just give. Alright, I'll try. Hopefully what I feel not you waste it. Maybe now I adore you, but will never again when all the only falsehood that you made, to cover up the truth.

I love you, just until you don’t really give me a sense of pain, and I gave up when my time comes.

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